2-1. 簡単な解説
- 1) コレステロール低下剤の開発を目的として6000余株の菌類(カビとキノコなど)を探索して、青カビ(Penicillium citrinum Pen- 51)からコレステロール合成の律速酵素であるHMG-CoA還元酵素の強力な阻害剤(ML-236Bと命名、その後のコンパクチン)を発見。その作用機序の解明と実験動物による薬効・薬理の評価の後に、臨床医との共同研究で重症患者を治療し、安全性と優れたコレステロール低下作用を示して、コンパクチン誘導体(スタチンと総称)の世界的開発の基礎を確立した(原著論文の3, 4, 7, 9-18,20,22等、総説・解説の40, 96, 112, 113等)。
- 2) モナコリンJ, K(ロバスタチン)及びL等のスタチンを紅麹菌(Monascus ruber M-1005)から発見し、生合成経路と作用機構を解明。この中で、モナコリンK の特許はメルクのロバスタチンの開発を主要約30カ国で阻止するのに貢献した。モナコリンJは日本ではヤエガキ発酵技研が新日本酒の開発に利用し、米国ではメルクの2番目のスタチンとなるシンバスタチン(2005年の年商6,000億円超)の合成原料として、その開発を可能にした(原著論文1, 2, 5, 6, 8,19,21,28-32,34-38,40,42,44-46,48,56,57,60,61,64等、総説・解説の40,96等)。
- 3) コンパクチン耐性の動物細胞を開発して、コレステロール代謝とHMG-CoA還元酵素の調節機構の一部を解明した(原著論文の23,26,27,39,47等)。
- 4) 動脈硬化の直接の原因と見なされる酸化LDL(低密度リポタンパク)の代謝・分解等を阻害する阻害剤約20種を発見して構造の特定、作用機構と生合成経路の解明に努めた(原著論文の49,54,55,58,59,62,63,65-74等)。
- 5) ロバスタチン生産菌として他の紅麹菌(Monascus pilosus, Mon. purpureusなど)を発見して、新紅麹開発の基礎を確立した。これらの紅麹菌はファンケル、ニッスイ、アサヒ・フード & ヘルスケアなどが健康食品として商業化した(原著論文の33等、総説・解説の18等)。
- 6) コレステロール合成の重要な中間体として知られるメバロン酸を大量生産する酵母(Saccharomycopsis fibrigera)の1株を発見した。本発見は旭電化とカネボーの協力により、メバロン酸の保湿作用を利用する新化粧品の商業化を達成した(原著論文の43等、総説・解説の18等)。
- 7) Acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase阻害剤としてアカテリン(Acaterin)を単離して、その生合成機構の一部を解明した(原著論文の53, 72, 75, 77, 78等)。
2-2. 原著論文(78編)
- 1) Endo A, Kuroda M. Citrinin, an inhibitor of cholesterol synthesis. J
Antibiot 1976; 29: 841-843.
- 2) Kuroda M, Tanzawa K, Endo A. Inhibition of lipid metabolism by mycotoxins.
Proc Jap Assoc Mycotoxicol(in Japanese) 1976; 2: 41-42.
- 3) Endo A, Kuroda M, Tsujita Y. ML-236A, ML-236B, and ML-236C, new inhibitors
of cholesterogenesis produced by Penicillium citrinum. J Antibiot 1976; 29:
- 4) Endo A, Kuroda M, Tanzawa K. Competitive inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-
glutaryl coenzyme A reductase by ML-236A and ML-236B fungal metabolites,
having hypocholesterolemic activity. FEBS Lett 1976; 72: 323-326.
- 5) Kuroda M, Endo A. Inhibition of in vitro cholesterol synthesis by fatty
acids. Biochim Biophys Acta 1977; 486: 254-259.
- 6) Kuroda,M, Hazama-Shimada Y, Endo A. Inhibition of cholesterol synthesis by
citrinin in a cell-free system from rat liver and yeast. Biochim Biophys
Acta 1977; 486: 254-259.
- 7) Endo A, Tsujita T, Kuroda M, Tanzawa K. Inhibition of cholesterol synthesis
in vitro in vivo by ML-236A and ML-236B, competitive inhibitors of 3-
hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase. Eur J Biochem 1977; 77: 31-
- 8) Tanzawa K, Kuroda M, Endo A. Time-dependent, irreversible inhibition of
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase by the antibiotic citrinin.
Biochim Biophys Acta 1977; 488: 97-101.
- 9) Kuroda M, Tanzawa K, Tsujita Y, Endo A. Mechansim for elevation of hepatic
cholesterol synthesis and serum cholesterol levels in Trition WR-1339-induced
hyperlipidemia. Biochim Biophys Acta 1977; 489: 119-125.
- 10) Kaneko I, Hazama-Shimada Y, Endo A. Inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-
glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase in cultured L cells by the hypocholesterolemic
drug clofibrate. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1977; 76: 1207-1213.
- 11) Kaneko I, Hazama-Shimada Y, Endo A. Inhibitory effects on lipid metabolism
in cultured cells of ML-236B, a potent inhibitor of 3-hydroky-3-
methylgutaryl-coenzyme-A reductase. Eur J Biochem 1978; 87: 313-321.
- 12) Brown MS, Faust JR, Goldstein JL, Kaneko I, Endo A. Induction of 3-hydroxy-
3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity in human fibroblasts
incubated with compactin (ML-236B), a competitive inhibitor of the
reductase. J Biol Chem 1978; 253: 1121-1128.
- 13) Yamamoto A, Endo A, Kitano Y, Okada A, Ishikawa K, Kuroshima T, Kaneko I.
Two Japanese kindreds of familial hypercholesterolemia including homozygous
cases : a report of cases, and studies on serum-lipoproteins and enzymes.
Japanese J Med 1978; 17: 230-239.
- 14) Doi O, Endo A. Specific inhibiton of desmosterol synthesis by ML-236B in
mouse LM cells grown in suspension in a lipid-free medium. J Med Sci Biol
1978; 31: 225-233.
- 15) Tanzawa K, Endo, A. Kinetic analysis of the reaction catalyzed by rat-liver
3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl coenzyme-A reductase using two specific
Inhibitors. Eur J Biochem 1978; 98: 195-201.
- 16) Tsujita Y, Kuroda M, Tanzawa K, Kitano N, Endo A. Hypolipidemic effects in
dogs of ML-236B, a competitive inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl
coenzyme A reductase. Atherosclerosis 1979; 32: 307-313.
- 17) Kuroda M, Tsujita Y, Tanzawa K, Endo, A. Hypolipidemic effects in monkeys of
ML-236B, a competitive inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A
reductase. Lipids 1979; 14: 585-589.
- 18) Endo A, Tsujita Y, Kuroda M, Tanzawa K. Effects of ML-236B on cholesterol
metabolism in mice and rats: lack of hypocholesterolemic activity in normal
animals. Biochim Biophys Acta 1979; 575: 266-276.
- 19) Endo A. Monacolin K, a new hypocholesterolemic agent produced by a Monasus
species. J Antibiot 1979; 32: 852-854.
- 20) Yamamoto A, Sudo H, Endo A. Therapeutic effects of ML-236B in primary
hypercholesterolemia. Atherosclerosis 1980; 35: 259-266.
- 21) Endo A. Monacolin K, a new hypocholesterolmic agent that specifically
inhibits 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase. J Antibiot 1980;
33: 334-336.
- 22) Endo A. Hypocholesterolemic activity in several animal species of ML-236B, a
potent inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis. J Japanese Atherosclerosis Soc
(in Japanese) 1980; 7: 607-610.
- 23) Ryan J, Hardeman EC, Endo A, Simoni RD. Isolation and characterization of
cells resistant to ML-236B (compactin) with increased levels of 3-hydroxy-3-
methyl-glutaryl coenzyme A reductase. J Biol Chem 1981; 256: 6762-6769.
- 24) Hashizume T, Matsubara S, Endo A. Compactin (ML-236B) as a new growth
inhibitor of plant callus. Agric Biol Chem 1983; 47: 1401-1403.
- 25) Hiruma K, Yagi S, Endo A. ML-236B (compactin) as an inhibitor of juvenile
hormone biosynthesis. Appl Ent Zool 1983; 18: 111-115.
- 26) Hardeman EC, Endo A, Simoni RD. Effects of compactin on the levels of
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reducase in compaction-resistant C 100
and wild-type cells. Arch Biochem Biophys 1984; 232: 549-561.
- 27) Hasumi K, Otsuki R, Endo A. Regulation of cholesterol synthesis in cultured
mouse mammary carcinoma FM3A cells. J Biochem 1985; 98: 319-325.
- 28) Endo A, Hasumi K, Nakamura T, Kunishima M, Masuda M. Dihydromonacolin L
and monacolin X, new metabolites that inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis. J
Antibiot 1985; 38: 321-327.
- 29) Endo A, Yamashita H, Naoki H, Iwashita T, Mizukawa Y. Microbial
phosphorylation of compactin (ML-236B) and related compounds. J Antibiot
1985; 38: 328-332.
- 30) Endo A, Hasumi K, Negishi S. Monacolins J and L, new inhibitors of
cholesterol biosynthesis produced by Monascus ruber. J Antibiot 1985; 38:
- 31) Endo A, Negishi Y, Iwashita T, Mizukawa K, Hirama M. Biosynthesis of ML-236B
(compactin) and monacolin K. J Antibiot 1985; 38: 444-448.
- 32) Yamashita H, Tsubokawa S, Endo A. Microbial hydroxylation of compactin
(ML-236B) and monacolin K. J Antibiot 1985; 38: 605-609.
- 33) Negishi S, Huang ZC, Hasumi K, Murakawa S, Endo A. Productivity of monacolin
K (mevinolin) in the genus Monascus. Hakkokogaku (in Japanese) 1986; 64:
- 34) Kikuchi K, Murakawa S, Endo A. Immobilization of the zygomycete Circinera
muscae and phoshorylation of ML-236B (compactin) by the immobilized cells.
Hakkokogaku (in Japanese) 1986; 64: 513-516.
- 35) Komagata D, Yamashita H, Endo A. Microbial conversion of compactin (ML-236B)
to ML-236A. J Antibiot 1986; 39: 1574-1577.
- 36) Endo A, Hasumi K, Yamada A, Shimada R, Takeshima H. The synthesis of
compactin (ML-236B) and monacolin K in fungi. J Antibiot 1986; 39: 1609-
- 37) Endo A, Komagata D, Shimada H. Monacolin M, a new inhibitor of cholesterol
biosynthesis. J Antibiot 1986; 39: 1670-1673.
- 38) Hasumi K, Arahira M, Sakai K, Endo A. Irreversible inhibition of 3-hydroxy-
3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase by phenicin (phoenicine). J Antibiot
1987; 40: 224-226.
- 39) Hasumi K, Yamada A, Shimizu Y, Endo A. Overaccumulation of 3-hydroxy-
3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase in a compactin (ML-236B)-resistant
mouse cell line with defects in the regulation of its activity. Eur J
Biochem 1987; 164: 547-552.
- 40) Murakawa S, Nakamura T, Komagata D, Sunagawa E, Endo A. Purification and
properties of carboxyl-esterase from Emericella unguis that catalyzes the
conversion of ML-236B (compactin) to ML-236A. Agric Biol Chem 1987; 51:
- 41) Ikeura R, Murakawa S, Endo A. Growth inhibition of yeast by compactin
(ML-236B) analogues. J Antibiot 1988; 41: 1148-1150.
- 42) Komagata D, Shimada H, Murakawa S, Endo A. Biosynthesis of monacolins:
conversion of monacolin L to monacolin J by a monooxygenase of Monascus
ruber. J Antibiot 1989; 42: 407-412.
- 43) Koike S, Murakawa S, Endo A. Fermentation of mevalonate by Saccharomycopsis
fibrigera IFO 0107. J Ferment Bioeng 1989; 68: 58-59.
- 44) Nakamura T, Komagata D, Murakawa S, Sakai K, Endo A. Isolation and
biosynthesis of 3α-hydroxy-3,5-dihydromonacolin L. J Antibiot 1990; 43:
- 45) Kimura K, Komagata D, Murakawa S, Endo A. Biosynthesis of monacolins:
conversion of monacolin J to monacolin K (mevinolin). J Antibiot
1990; 43: 1621-1622.
- 46) Sviridov DD, Endo A, Pavlov MY, Repin VS, Simirnov VN. Comparison of the
effect of six compactin-related compounds on cholesterol synthesis in five
human cell types. Lipids 1990; 25: 685-690.
- 47) Hasumi K, Naganuma S, Sato Y, Endo A. Unstable amplification of the
chromosomal gene for 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase in
compactin-resistant CR200 cells. Biochim Biophys Acta 1991; 1083: 289-297.
- 48) Ogawa H, Hasumi K, Sakai K, Murakawa S, Endo A. Pannorin, a new
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitor produced by
Chrysosporium pannorum. J Antibibiot 1991; 44: 762-767.
- 49) Hasumi K, Shinohara C, Naganuma S, Endo A. Inhibition of the uptake of
oxidized low density lipoprotein in macrophage J774 by the antibiotic
ikarugamycin. Eur J Biochem 1992; 205: 841-846.
- 50) Naganuma S, Kuzuya N, Sakai K, Hasumi K, Endo A. Inhibition of the
accumulation of lipid droplets in macrophage J774 by bafilomycin B1 and
destruxin E. Biochim Biophys Acta 1992; 1126: 41-48.
- 51) Woo JT, Shinohara C, Sakai K, Hasumi K, Endo A. Inhibition of the
acidification of endosomes and lysosomes by the antibiotic concanamycin B in
macrophage J774. Eur J Biochem 1992; 207: 383-389.
- 52) Woo JT, Shinohara C, Sakai K, Hasumi K, Endo A. Isolation, characterization
and biological activities of concanamycins as inhibitors of lysosomal
acidification. J Antibiot 1992; 45: 1108-1116.
- 53) Naganuma S, Sakai K, Hasumi K, Endo A. Acaterin, a novel inhibitor of acyl-
CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase produced by Pseudomonas sp. A92. J Antibiot
1992; 45: 1216-1221.
- 54) Shinohara C, Hasumi K, Endo, A. Inhibition of oxidized low density
lipoprotein metabolism in macrophage J774 by helvolic acid. Biochim Biophys
Acta 1993:1167: 303-306.
- 55) Hasumi K, Naganuma S, Koshizawa J, Mogi H, Endo, A. Stimulation of acyl-CoA:
cholesterol acyltransferase activity by brefeldin A in macrophage J774
cells. Biochim Biophys Acta 1993; 1167: 155-158.
- 56) Hasumi K, Tachikawa K, Sakai K, Murakawa S, Yoshikawa N, Kumazawa S, Endo A.
Competitive inhibition of squalene synthetase by squalestatin 1. J Antibiot
1993; 46: 689-691.
- 57) Park JK, Sakai K, Ogawa H, Hasumi K, Endo A. Chrysosporin, a new inhibitor
of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase produced by Chrysosporium
pannorum. J Antibiot 1993; 46: 1170-1172.
- 58) Park JK, Hasumi K, Endo A. Inhibition of acyl-CoA : cholesterol
acyltransferase by helminthosporol and its related compounds. J Antibiot
1993; 46: 1303-1305.
- 59) Hasumi K, Shinohara C, Iwanaga T, Endo A. Lateritin, a new inhibitor of
acyl-CoA : cholesterol acyltransferase produbed by Gibberella lateritium IFO
7188. J Antibiot 1993; 46: 1782-1787.
- 60) Sviridov DD, Endo A, Pavlov MY, Repin VS. Time response of cholesterol
synthesis inhibition by compactin-related compounds. In vitro quantitation
of the “escape phenomenon”. Lipids 1993; 28: 569-571.
- 61) Murakawa S, Sakai K, Endo A. Isolation of 3a-hydroxy-3.5-dihydro ML-236C
(sodium salt) from Paecilomyces viridis L-68. J Antibiot 1994; 47: 108-109.
- 62) Shinohara C, Hasumi K, Takei Y, Endo A. Gypsetin, a new inhibitor of acy-
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IFO 9228. I. Fermentation, isolation, physico-chemical properties and
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- 63) Nuber B, Hansske F, Shinohara C, Miura S, Hasumi K, Endo A. Gypsetin, a new
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- 64) Matsuda M, Kageyama S, Endo A, Umezawa, K. Induction of normal phenotypes
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- 65) Park JK, Hasumi K, Endo A. Inhibition of the binding of oxidized low density
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- 66) Sakai K, Watanabe K, Masuda K, Tsuji M, Hasumi K, Endo A. Isolation,
characterization and biological activities of novel triprenyl phenols as
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- 67) Takahashi F, Hasumi K, Endo A. Modulation of the plasma cholesteryl ester
transfer by stachybotramide. Biochim Biophys Acta 1995; 1258: 70-74.
- 68) Hasumi K, Takizawa K, Takahashi F, Park JK, Endo A. Inhibition of acyl-CoA :
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acylptides produced by Bacillus sp. A1238. J Antibiiot 1995; 48: 1419-1424.
- 69) Kawabe Y, Honda M, Wada Y, Yazaki Y, Suzuki T, Ohba Y, Nabata H, Endo A,
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- 70) Kawabe Y, Shimokawa T, Matsumoto A, Honda M, Wada Y, Yazaki Y, Endo A,
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- 71) Kawabe Y, Sato R, Matsumoto A, Honda M, Wada Y, Yazaki Y, Endo A, Takano T,Itakura H, Kodama T. Regulation of fatty acid synthase expression by
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- 72) Sekiyama Y, Araya H, Hasumi K, Endo A, Fujimoto Y. Biosynthesis of acaterin: isolation of 4.5-didehydroacaterin and its conversion into acaterin. Natural
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- 73) Miura S, Hasumi K, Takayasu R, Sugimoto M, Endo A. Enhancement of low density lipoprotein binding to both low density lipoprotein receptor-
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- 74) Harada T, Hasumi K, Endo A. Induction of low density lipoprotein catabolism
in Hep G2 cells by a fungal sesquiterpene ester, FR 111142. Biochem Biophys
Res Commun 1998; 251: 830-834.
- 75) Sekiyama Y, Araya H, Hasumi K, Endo A, Fujimoto Y. Biosynthesis of acaterin:
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- 76) Miura S, Hasumi K, Takayasu R, Sugimoto M, Endo A. Enhancement of low
density lipoprotein binding to both low density lipoprotein receptor-
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- 77) Sekiyama Y, Fujimoto Y, Hasumi K, Endo A. Biosynthesis of acaterin:
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dehydroacaterin. Tetrahedron Lett 1999; 40: 4223-4226.
- 78) Sekiyama Y, Fujimoto Y, Hasumi K, Endo A. Biosynthesis of acatrin: coupling
of C5 unit with octanoate. J Org Chem 2001; 66: 5649-5654.
2-3. 総説・解説 (121編)
- 1) 遠藤章. 高コレステロール血症の遺伝生化学. 医学のあゆみ 1976; 96(13): 859-865.
- 2) 遠藤章. ヒト培養細胞におけるコレステロール代謝調節. 生化学 1976; 48(6): 301-307.
- 3) 遠藤章. 家族性高コレステロール血症とLDL receptor欠損. Diabetes J 1977; 5(4):186.
- 4) 遠藤章. Deuel Conference on Lipids とFederation Meeting. コレステロール代謝の部会に出席して. 蛋白質核酸酵素 1979; 24(9): 1139-1141.
- 5) 遠藤章. コレステロール合成阻害剤ML-236Bの発見から臨床まで. 化学と生物 1979; 17(10): 672-676.
- 6) 遠藤章. 脂質代謝研究法. 10)コレステロール合成. 代謝 1979; 16(11): 1757-1766.
- 7) 遠藤章、五島雄一郎. コレステロールに新低下剤(対談). モダン・メジシン(朝日新聞社), 1979; 8(12): 44-53.
- 8) 遠藤章. コレステロール低下剤の歴史. 治療学 1979; 3(6): 828-832.
- 9) 遠藤章. LDL pathwayについて. 動脈硬化 1979: 7(3): 738-744.
- 10) 遠藤章. LDL receptor. クリニカ 1980; 7(8): 738-744.
- 11) 遠藤章. コレステロール合成の調節. 生化学 1980; 52(10): 1033-1049.
- 12) 遠藤章. 新しいコレステロール低下剤の発見. 青淵 第374号. 渋沢青淵記念財団竜問社, 1980. pp.21-22.
- 13) Endo A. Biological and biochemical aspects of ML-236B (compactin) and monacolin K, specific competitive inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase. In: “Atherosclerosis” V. Gotto AM et al(eds), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1980. pp.152-155.
- 14) 蓮見惠司, 遠藤章. Coated pitと膜動輸送. 化学と生物 1981; 19(2): 89-90.
- 15) 村川茂雄, 遠藤章. コレステロール合成の調節. 油化学 1981; 30(10): 91-95.
- 16) 遠藤章. コレステロールの代謝と制御. 「血清脂質. その臨床, 基礎, 分析法」. 山本章編, 1981. pp.281-307.
- 17) 遠藤章. コレステロール(その他). 「臨床医学大辞典」. 武見太郎編集主幹, 講談社, 1981.
- 18) Endo A. Biological and pharmacological activity of inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase. Trends Biochem Sci 1981; 6: 10-13.
- 19) Endo A. 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase inhibitors from Penicillium and Monascus species. In: “Methods in Enzymology” Vol 72. Lowenstein JM(ed), Academic Press, New York, 1981. pp.684-689.
- 20) 遠藤章. 幼若ホルモン生合成の調節機構. 化学と生物 1982; 20(7): 414-415.
- 21) 遠藤章. コレステロール代謝の種特異性. 「高脂血症、リポタンパクとその異常」. 藤井節郎, 山本章編, 医歯薬出版, 1982. pp.13-26.
- 22) 遠藤章. HMG-CoA reductaseその他. 「臨床酵素ハンドブック」. 馬場茂明ら編, 講談社サイエンティフィック, 1982.
- 23) 山本章, 三宅可浩, 遠藤章. コレステロール代謝調節. 臨床薬理の進歩 1983. pp.15-41.
- 24) 遠藤章. HMG-CoA reductase阻害剤. 三和医報, 第12号, 1983. pp.73-76.
- 25) 遠藤章. コレステロール代謝のメカニズム. 薬の知識 1984; 35(1): 13-17.
- 26) 遠藤章. コレステロール合成阻害剤の臨床薬理. Pharma Media 1984; 2(8): 99-106.
- 27) 遠藤章. 第8回DALM国際会議に出席して. 農化 1984; 58: 428-429.
- 28) 遠藤章. コレステロール生合成阻害剤の基礎と開発. 油化学 1985; 34: 335-340.
- 29) 遠藤章. 紅麹菌をめぐる歴史と最近の動向. 発酵と工業 1985; 43(6): 544-552.
- 30) 遠藤章. コレステール代謝. 「阻害剤研究法」. 日高義弘編、共立出版, 1985. pp.124−131.
- 31) 遠藤章. コレステロール低下剤の歴史. 「治療の歴史断章」. 治療学編集委員会編, ライフサイエンス出版, 1985. pp.74-83.
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